How to Re-Region Saves Using The Save Wizard (PS4)

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How to Re-Region Saves Using The Save Wizard (PS4)

How to Re-Region Saves Using The Save Wizard (PS4)

How to Re-Region Saves Using The Save Wizard

Hello Everyone!

Another easy tutorial on how to re-region PS4 saves using the Save Wizard.

Re-regioning is the process by which you convert a PS4 save from one region to the next. (E.g US to EU) N.B. It may not possible for all games.

Please check out the full Save Wizard installation guide here.

Let’s get started!

Step 1. Make Sure Your USB is Plugged Into Your PC and it has a Game Save from Your Personal Profile

In this example, we are using The Last of Us Remastered.

  1. Make a game save of the game you want to re-region. (Ensure it’s the profile you want to Re-Region to)
  2. Have the save on your USB and plug into your PC. You should also have the file you want to re-region on your PC in ZIP format (desktop recommended)
  3. In this example, we want to convert the EU file to US.

Step 2. Switch to the Re-Sign Tab and Import/Resign the EU Save Data to Your US Profile (Make sure EU Save Data is Zipped! (.rar files not recognized)

Below you’ll see one or a list of game saves. (Game Dependendent) If there’s a list, it’s best to resign them each, one by one. We’ll re-sign ‘Save File 2’ for this example.

Step 3. Extract the Game Data from the Newly resigned ‘EU’ file

At this point, we’ve resigned the EU save data to our US profile.

Next, we need to extract the decrypted data to the PC.

Switch to the ‘Cheats’ tab and right-click on the newly resigned save file and select advanced mode


In Advanced Mode, select ‘Export to File’

Choose the location where you want the exported data to be saved. Here we placed it on the desktop. Your file might not read ‘USR-DATA’. It is different for every game/save type.

Step 4. Import the Extracted Game Data to Your Original Save file

Now we have the data (decrypted) from the EU file, all that’s left to do is import it to the US file, which we started with on the USB

Right Click on the original file and select Advanced Mode


Import the decrypted data file to the original file


Hit ‘apply’ then yes to confirm

Congratulations, your save is now re-regioned! Make sure you delete the EU save file you resigned in Step 3 and load the re-regioned US file to your PS4!


Check out the Youtube tutorial below!




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