Shadow of the Erdtree Save Install Tutorial
- June 30, 2024
Original Save Set Credits: GamesterHub
Save Revision, Re-region & Guide Credits: XDG
To report faulty saves go here.
You Need Save Wizard to Use these Saves
Press continue. Follow the objective. After the cutscene, you have to fight a bunch of zombies. Kill all but 1 zombie, return to the main menu and hit continue. Rinse & repeat until the trophy pops.
Press continue. Complete the side objective and the trophy will pop.
Press continue. Open the door. Skip the cutscene and the trophy will pop.
Press continue. Talk to Sam and skip the cutscene. The trophy will pop.
Press continue. Go and talk to Michael in the caravan. Skip the cutscene and the trophy will pop.
Continue with the objective, skip the cutscene, and ‘Hell-A’ will pop.
Once outside, execute a perfect block and a finisher kill for the remaining trophy
Press continue, and you will be on the “clickbait” side quest. Here you can farm the kills needed for this trophy. Run around while blocking and dodging zombies and let them walk into the fire until you get the trophy (about 10-20 zombie kills required)
Press continue, move forward a bit, run and drop kick the zombie “Bursters” for the trophy. You have to do 3-6 times. Drop kick, quit, go back on and repeat this process.
You are in front of the objective, the trophy will pop for “Hotel California” at the door. For “Break a Leg” you need to maim 9 more zombies.
Press continue. Go inside the house, open the lockbox in this house and the trophy will pop. Go to any workbench, upgrade, fill up mod & perks for the trophy.
Press continue, finish this mission and both trophies will pop. Complete the “Kill Em All” objective for the “Stacking the Deck” trophy
Press continue, use the map on the table to fast-travel to a location with enemies, strike any enemy with 2 heavy attacks and the trophy will pop.
Press continue, speak to Dez to complete the side quest and after the dialogue “Go, Bobcats! & Rising Star will pop. Fast Travel to the main objective (sterling plaza) and talk to the doctor (skip cutscene) for the “But Doctor, I Am Butcho” trophy.
Press continue, and follow the objective for “Fool’s Gold”. The trophy will pop once you’ve picked up the weapon.
Press continue, Fight the boss & close to the end you will gain “Humanity Distilled” after transforming. Next, head to the mission objective & skip the cutscene for “Can’t Handle the Truth
Press continue, follow the path to Emma & Sam then skip the cutscene to get the trophy
Press continue and move ahead to discover the last zombie ‘vicious butcher’ Defeat it to get the trophy
Press continue, power up the train, kill em all, fast travel to Hollywood Blvd. and the trophy will pop
Press continue, complete the objective and the trophy will pop
Press continue, follow the objective and ‘One true nature’ will pop after the cutscene. For “Down with the Sickness”, equip “Autophage” skills in the empty slots for the trophy to pop.
Press continue, head to the back of the white SUV and collect the Legendary weapon to receive the trophy
Press continue and follow the video guide:
Press continue, and you’ll spawn at a mutator hotspot. Move into the house quietly. You are searching for an immobile mutator. He will be medium-sized with his shirt off. He will be lying down or sitting up somewhere (its location is totally random) you have a fully leveled Peggy rifle equipped with high-damaging mods. You can also equip a curveball. You need to agro the mutator while it’s in walker form and kill it before it fully mutates. The trophy will pop once you got it. If you mess up, you can reload the save.
Press continue, You only have to do 1 in each category for the trophies. “Leech Removal” in Zombie Challenges, 9/10. “Batter Up!” in Weapon Challenges, 49/50. “Revival Act” in Survivor Challenges, 0/1. “Ninja” in Combat Challenges, 0/1
Press continue, track the quest “[REDACTED]” and complete it for the “LA Influential” trophy.
For “Gore Horse”, travel to Beverly Hills and do the final quest “Body Art: The Unveiling” and the trophy will pop.
Travel to “Hollywood Boulevard” and do the “Going Viral” quest for the “Internet Famous” trophy.
After that, track the quest “Missing: Rainier” and unlock the door as the final objective for the trophy “Sole Survivor”.
From here, go to the fast travel area to talk to “Sebastian” and complete the quest “Beacon of Hope” for the “Make it So” trophy. You will also pop the “Max Headroom” organically while following this trophy set.
Press continue, pick up 10 infected flesh and give it to Francesca to get the trophy
Online trophies, join Discord for boosting – Discord Boost