Save Wizard For PS5? What You Need To Know

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Save Wizard For PS5? What You Need To Know

Save Wizard For PS5? What You Need To Know

Save Wizard For PS5? What You Need To Know


So I get this question a lot and I mean A LOT.


Maybe 10- 20 times a day:


‘Will the save wizard be compatible with PS5?’

‘Is a new Save Wizard going to be released for the PS5?’

‘Will modded save data made on the PS4 work on the PS5?


The list goes on.


With the highly anticipated release of the PS5 in less than a month, Save Wizard for PS4 Max users have been anxious for information on Save Wizard compatibility with the PS5.


What We Know

Based on the above photo, we can see that the PS5 will support external storage.

What we DON’T know (as of the writing of this article) is if game data will be accessible on the console and transferable via USB flash drive.

UPDATE: November 5th 2020

PS4 Game data can be transferred to the PS5 via USB! (PS5 game data cannot be transferred via USB)

As the Save Wizard For PS4 Max is a Save Editor and not some magical cheat tool, this one crux will make or break the possibility of any save editing software being created for the PS5 using current methods.


What if Save Support is Available For The PS5?

In a best-case scenario where game data is accessible on the PS5, the Save Wizard for PS4 Max will definitely be incompatible with PS5 games.

If PS4 data is transferable to the PS5 directly with no conversion you could mod your PS4 saves, send them to the PS5 and enjoy modded gameplay there but we still don’t know if this is a viable option.

Will The ‘Save Wizard’ Brand Continue?

If you didn’t know, the Save Wizard team has a combined 30+ years of experience with cheat devices.

They worked on such products as Xploder, Pro Action Replay, Game Shark, and were recently responsible for resurrecting Game Genie for the PlayStation 3.

With that being said, IF a cheat device is somehow possible for PS5, it will most likely be a rebranded as an entirely new product with a price point of approximately $75 – $125. (Personal Estimation)

Product development could take between 1 – 4 years considering the PS4 Save Wizard Max was released in April 2017, 4 years after the release of the PS4 in 2013.


Based on the above-mentioned, we can only wait until November 12th to discover exactly what’s possible with the PS5.

When the PS3 was released, no one thought cheat devices could be created because everyone was thinking ‘there’s no cartridge it uses CD’s so it’s over’

I implore you not to be a prisoner of the moment but rather, reflect on the do-or-die track record of the Save Wizard team and the history of cheat devices to date.

In the meantime, you can enjoy the vast library of games (1000+) supported by the Save Wizard For Ps4 Max.

As the great William Hazlitt said;

‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way”

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