Save Wizard 7.01 PSN Update Fully Compatible

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Save Wizard 7.01 PSN Update Fully Compatible

Save Wizard 7.01 PSN Update Fully Compatible

Save Wizard Fully Compatible With Sony Update v7.01

What’s up Wizards!

Yet another update for the PSN System Software!

v7.01 comes in as a somewhat minor update that makes a few changes to the consoles backend with your usual improvements to system performance and stability.

With small updates like this, you can usually proceed to update your console with no worries of compromising the compatibility of the Save Wizard.


Recommendations & Reminders

  • Turn off auto-updates on your PS4
  • Always wait for confirmation before updating your console
  • You can use older saves if you find new saves made under 7.01 don’t work
  • Always back up vanilla saves to a separate folder on your PC

We tested adding max skill points to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and it worked perfectly! Check the YouTube proof video below!

Until the next update, stay frosty!

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